Winter 2011
Dear Sponsor: Please know that your child knows your name, treasures your picture and your letters, is deeply grateful for your support, and prays for you. Children of Strength is, above all else, a sponsorship program. It is one person or family helping one child. Without the consistent financial and emotional aid each child receives, they would not thrive. Moreover, the benefits of sponsorship reach far beyond the child to the family and the community.
Our Second Graduating Class
The 2010 school year ended with 33 of our teenagers graduating in Magagoni Secondary’s second senior class. COS sponsorship provided not only the school structure and the financial and emotional support these teens needed to go to school, but most importantly, the sense of personal value and identity every child needs for his own self-respect and esteem. They can now go forth into their communities to find work or pursue further education as high school graduates! What a wonderful accomplishment! We can all be so proud of them.
Windmill Power
When Haakon & Kirsten Leiro and Gordon & Roberta Jensen traveled to Kenya in October, they carried with them the various parts of a windmill. At customs in Nairobi they expected they would be required to pay duty on the equipment. But when they told the customs agent where it was going and what it would be used for, he let them go through without paying any charges. (He did, however, ask if they would take him along to see Kusitawi the next time they came through!) The windmill was assembled and, together with the existing solar panels, is now delivering sufficient power to run the computers in the office, provide night lighting in the dorms and dining hall, and give much needed security at night for the compound.

New Fish Farm
Kusitawi recently became the beneficiary of a fish farm. Through our contact with a public official who had previously visited Kusitawi, the Kenyan government provided the labor and materials to build a fish pond the size of an Olympic pool (though not as deep) and stocked it with 1000 fingerlings. The fingerlings are now growing and in 5 to 8 months we should have fish ready for sale to the local shops.
Clean Water Project
Pure Flow is a Kenyan company that provides clean water to communities, schools and NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) that qualify. They use technology developed by the German company, Siemens, to convert dirty water to clean drinking water. (It’s the same process used by bottled water companies.) COS qualified because we have plenty of water from the river and wanted to provide the surrounding community with clean drinkable water that they could afford to buy. Pure Flow built a small structure at Kusitawi and supplied all the equipment needed, including a 10,000 liter storage tank. We now have additional clean water for Kusitawi and are making it available to our neighbors for less than a penny for five gallons.
Success Story
At age 15, James Kyalo’s parents had died leaving him as the head of household for his two younger siblings. He couldn’t continue in school because he couldn’t afford the uniform required to attend. When he entered the COS sponsorship program he received the uniform, shoes, school supplies and food that he needed to go back to school at age 17. James attended Magagoni Secondary, the only public high school in the area, that our program built for the community. He was in the school’s first graduation class last year. He was 22 years old. Today James works as a dental assistant at Kilimambogo Hospital. He likes the work and the doctors there say he is good at it. He will soon begin vocational school part-time to earn his official certificate. James is just one of many success stories – a young man who now has an education, a skill, a job, and a hope for the future!
Elizabeth Gitau
Children of Strength’s mission and standing in the Kilimambogo community are being beautifully represented by our executive director, Elizabeth Gitau. Whenever and wherever she can , Elizabeth makes the case for the impoverished children of AIDS, neglect, and abuse to government officials, businesses, and charity organizations. As a result, Kusitawi has been blessed with official government visits and recognition as well as grants and gifts from business and non-governmental agencies. In 2008, Kusitawi had the honor of a visit by the District Commissioner and his delegation; in 2009, Elizabeth received the President’s Civilian Award for distinguished service and devotion to duty in working to change the lives of others. In fall 2010, Elizabeth received the great honor of an invitation to attend an official gathering to lunch with and meet Kenya’s President Kibaki. (We are told she was seated very near the President.)
We believe this recognition serves to validate the work being done by Children of Strength and confirms the good stewardship of the monies and resources received by this organization. Everyone who supports COS through their prayers, sponsorship, gifts, and time has contributed to the services, support and loving care Elizabeth and her staff give to the children and the community. Please also share in the great joy!
Note: All U.S. board members and staff volunteer their time. There are no salaries or honorariums. All travel at their own expense. Your sponsorship and gifts go directly to support the children and staff in Kenya.